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Líderes de los departamentos de la Amazonía presentaron seis propuestas al Gobierno nacional para que sean incluidas en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y así asegurar recursos para la región y su protección medio ambiental.

En el hotel Tequendama y con la presencia de la viceministra de Ambiente, Sandra Vilardy, y de delegados de los ministerios de Transporte, Agricultura y de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, las comunidades de la Amazonía hicieron entrega de seis propuestas para incluir en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo. Con esto buscan asegurar recursos para los próximos cuatro años de gobierno.

Las propuestas fueron entregadas impresas por Darío Silva Cubeo, líder indígena del Amazonas, a la viceministra de ambiente. Silva, además, señaló que es importante que desde el Gobierno nacional se esté teniendo en cuenta las voces de las regiones.

“No solamente están los ríos, los peces, los animales, los árboles. Realmente la Amazonía se mantiene viva como está por el conocimiento de los pueblos indígenas”, aseguró el líder.

La iniciativa fue liderada por la organización Alianzas para la Sostenibilidad (Alisos) y contó con el apoyó de varios actores con incidencia en la Amazonía.

Las seis propuestas salieron de un total de 1.053 tomadas en los encuentros que se realizaron en cada uno de los departamentos de esta región del sur del país.

“Esperamos que el gobierno lo incluya y después nos va a tocar hacer un seguimiento en el Congreso para que pase en el Plan Nacional del Desarrollo y se mantenga en su tránsito por ahí”, señaló Wendy Arenas de Alisos.

Propuestas presentadas por las comunidades de la Amazonía

Dentro de las propuestas presentadas al Gobierno, resalta la necesidad de avanzar con el proceso de titulación, adjudicación y saneamiento predial de los asentamientos humanos en la Amazonía para evitar la apropiación ilegal.

En los últimos reportes del Ministerio de Ambiente se ha señalado el acaparamiento de tierras como uno de los motores de la deforestación, por lo que las comunidades piden avanzar en la legalización del territorio amazónico.

También las comunidades de la Amazonía pidieron incluir un modelo de desarrollo sostenible basado en la bioeconomía. Buscan que se asegure la producción, transformación, comercialización e innovación de los productores locales desde “sistemas agroecológicos y de crecimiento verde y uso sostenible de los recursos naturales”.

Durante el evento, la cooperación internacional mostró su apoyo al desarrollo de este tipo de iniciativas.

El transporte fue otro de los puntos principales presentados por las comunidades que piden que sea multimodal y se priorice la construcción de muelles de carga y pasajeros.

El Ministerio de Transporte aseguró que ya se encuentran trabajando en este punto con el Plan Amazónico de Transporte Intermodal Sostenible (Patis).

Desde MinTransporte señalaron que con el Patis buscan generar: “Un transporte digno para pasajeros y carga, con costos de operación y tarifas justas, con operaciones eficientes que permitan la consolidación de cadenas productivas que contribuyan a la seguridad alimentaria, al desarrollo del ecoturismo y del potencial agrícola y forestal propio de los sistemas amazónicos”.

El proyecto aún se encuentra en etapa de formulación y espera entregarse el plan final en diciembre.

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Alejandra Calderon
Social and environmental guarantor

Agroecologist engineer with more than 3 years of experience working with rural communities, identifying the needs and objectives of rural populations, promoting good agricultural practices to be closer to a human and environmental well-being.

[email protected]

Ana Rueda
Alliance tracker

International relations, passionate and committed to building peace in Colombia and the world. Interested in projects and work that address the structural causes of war and promote lasting transitions towards peace and social justice. Experience in the multilateral, educational and social sectors.

[email protected]

Alexander Velazquez
Opportunity builder

Biologist by profession with a Master's and doctorate in science and biology. Staunch lover of the Amazon and connoisseur of the environmental and social reality of my territory. My experience in the conservation and sustainable development of biodiversity and its ecosystem services has allowed me to generate alternatives for the promotion of scientific nature tourism. I am convinced that the social representations of the Colombian Amazon will allow us to create environmental awareness for the protection of forests. Teaching is a strength to train nature-loving professionals, which is why I have been integrating knowledge into biodiversity research for more than 20 years. I have focused on researching the impact of production systems on biodiversity. Cocoa fanatic and its implications for conservation.

[email protected]

Angélica Narváez Quintero Projecting nature
Agricultural Engineer specialized in Government and Management of Regional and Municipal Development. Has experience in the hydrocarbon sector, overseeing compliance with environmental licenses and land management for oil pipeline infrastructure. For 7 years, worked with the Colombian government in formulating and supervising productive agricultural projects for small and medium-sized producers in the Colombian rural sector. Currently, is leading the execution of projects focused on strengthening sustainable alternatives for the conservation of the Colombian Amazon.
[email protected]

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Carlos Andrés Uribe
Business administrator – President of Ladrillera Santafé

Carlos Andrés is a business administrator from the University of Louisiana (United States). He began his professional career at Atlantica Ltda. where he became the general manager. In 1988 he joined Cementos Diamante S.A., his family’s company, where he became the Vice President of the holding. In 1996 the Cementos Diamante group was sold to CEMEX. Today he is the owner of Ladrillera Santafé S.A.

Felipe Sánchez
Artist – General Manager CargoMaster

Felipe is an artist, working in commerce and international logistics. He is the CEO of Cargomaster S.A., a company with offices in Medellin, Quito, Miami, Buenos Aires and Lima.

Hernán Ávila
Resource conservation

I am the business administrator of Alisos. For the past eight years I have provided the administrative and financial oversight that often goes unnoticed, but is the lifeblood of any successful operation. I hold myself to the criteria of overt transparency in financial affairs coupled with deep caring for people and nature.

[email protected]

Jennifer Sepúlveda
Dream manager

Agroforestry Engineer with 15 years of experience working with rural communities in the department of Guaviare, contributing in improving rural production and an inclusive, resilient and sustainable environment.

[email protected]

Joaquín Salgado
Sustainability Curator
Lawyer with training in Geography, Permaculture, Green Growth, and Leadership. With over 10 years in the service of rural development in Colombia. I believe in the need to improve and evolve the relationship between nature and society. I am convinced that the best vehicle to achieve this is through the participatory construction of public policies that recognize the particular and differential characteristics of the space and those who inhabit it. Based on my experience as a promoter and manager of processes and projects related to sustainable production, circular economy mechanisms, and the protection and conservation of the environment, I seek sustainability, promoting a good quality of life.
[email protected]

Luis Felipe Andrade
Architect – General Manager Human Strategy

Felipe is an architect from Universidad Piloto de Colombia and has studies in business administration, human resources and philosophy from Michigan State and Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He is the founder and General Manager of Estrategia Humana.

Margareth Floréz
Architect – Director of RedAmerica  

Margareth is an architect and urban planner from the Federal University of Brazil and Master’s Degree and Specialist in Planning and Development from the University of the Andes – CIDER in Colombia. She is currently the Executive Director of RedAmérica. She coordinated and participated in various publications on social development issues and on several boards of directors of civil institutions and networks at the national and international level.

Maria Andrea Solano
Good News Designer

Social communicator and journalist, passionate about environment and sustainability with experience in print media and communication offices. Specialist in Strategic Communication from the Sergio Arboleda University, with a Master's degree in Public Relations Management and Communication Offices from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

[email protected]

María Emma Gaitán
Supporting hands

Business administrator by profession and conviction, specialized in finance. Due to my work experience in the field of NGOs and the private sector, my role at Alisos is to provide support in administrative matters and strengthen organizational processes from a perspective of good planning and management practices, for the procedural and documentary optimization of our projects. Always willing to learn from the team and promote corporate synergy and synchrony that facilitates the traceability of administrative activities.

[email protected]

Paula Ponce de León
Inclusion Facilitator

As a lawyer with experience in the public sector, I support the positioning of the ecosystem care agenda in a way that promotes well-being for populations and recognizes the work and contributions of women. I firmly believe that it is through this impact on public policies that we will achieve the durability and greater scope of the sustainable alliances promoted by Alisos.

[email protected]

Rafael Rivas
Economist – Founding partner Ágora

Current President of Alisos. Rafael has a B.A. in Economics from Williams College (United States) and has studied in this area at Queen Mary College (London) and the Free University of Brussels (Belgium). He is also a PhD candidate in Political Economy and Government at Harvard University (United States). He is a founding partner of Ágora Corporate Consultants Ltda. and Economía Consultores.

Rafael Santos
Journalist – Former rector of Universidad Central

Rafael is a journalist. He studied at the universities of Kansas and Stanford (United States). His first works were in The Miami Herald (United States) and then he moved to EL TIEMPO where he has had a long career including co-director of the newspaper. Today he is the rector of the Central University.

Sally Villegas
Defender of noble causes

Indigenous lawyer with experience in public-private relations. Convinced that every small act adds to the construction of a sustainable future.

[email protected]

Sandra Acevedo
Productive and committed

Public Administrator with 18 years of experience in customer service and three years in the Comprehensive Territorial Academic Strengthening Program PIFAT ESAP, in public management activities in the PDET municipalities of the department of Putumayo on public finance issues.

[email protected]

Sandra Castillo
Opportunitie’s seeker

Business administrator, specialist in Borders and International Relations, with 15 years of experience, contributing to a territories from the proposals of an inclusive, organized development that promotes Peace. From my experience in economic public policy, calling for actions that are consistent with territory, and committed to achieve a stable and lasting peace.

[email protected]

Sofía González
Message’s sculptor

I am passionate about communication management in sustainability, innovation and social responsibility projects, understanding these initiatives as agents of significant change for the development of a better society.

[email protected]

Tómas Vásquez
Environment Reader

I graduated from Literature and ever since i’ve been a reader and a listener to others. I believe in word’s capacity to build and transform realities at a social, territorial and cultural level. Language and communication’s possibilities will help us built more attentive and thoughtful societies.

[email protected]

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Wendy Arenas
Alchemist of possibilities

Anthropologist and political scientist with 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur and social scientist, working on the challenge of inequality, climate change and sustainable practices. She was an advisor to the High Counseling for the Post-Conflict, Director of Avina and Director of CSR of the Editorial House El Tiempo.

[email protected]

Margith Castro Unconditional support
I am an Agroforestry Engineer graduated from UNAD. I am a charismatic, creative person who is friendly to the environment. I am always willing to listen and help those in need, and I am highly committed to my professional work.
[email protected]

Yarely Ortiz Promoter of Simplicity
Business administrator with specialization in Project Formulation and Evaluation and Senior Management. With 10 years of experience in supporting rural development projects. Knowledgeable about the social, economic, and environmental dynamics of Caquetá, Cauca, and Putumayo. Passionate about working collaboratively with rural communities.   
[email protected]

Juan Sebastián Ávila Reality Designer Graphic designer by profession, passionate about working with people who believe in the transformative power of reality and whose products and/or services add value to people's lives.
[email protected]

Laurette Ardila Narrator of Audiovisual Vestiges
Audiovisual producer and passionate nature pilgrim. Seeks to connect with community and environmental processes with purpose. Generating content with audiovisual narratives since 2012 in various media and communication offices, she believes in the power of this tool as a transformative factor of collective imaginaries and its persuasion to generate positively impactful changes in society.
[email protected]